Posted in: NSSA Fellows,

Dr. John D. Axe – Brookhaven National Laboratory For his seminal scientific studies of incommensurate and commensurate structural phase transitions, as well as his service to the US and international neutron community. Prof. Collin Broholm – Johns Hopkins University 2010 Sustained Research Prize For outstanding neutron scattering studies of correlated electron physics in magnets, metals

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Posted in: NSSA Fellows,

Prof. Robert J. Birgeneau – University of California at Berkeley 2012 Clifford G. Shull Prize recipient For his elegant and seminal studies of critical phenomena in low dimensional and disordered magnetic systems, pioneering studies of antiferromagnetic spin correlations in cuprate superconductors, and strong advocacy for the field of neutron scattering. Dr. Larry Passell – Brookhaven

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Posted in: NSSA Fellows,

Prof. Frank Bates – University of Minnesota 2008 Sustained Research Prize For pioneering contributions to Polymer Science through innovative use of Small Angle Scattering Methods. Dr. Gian P. Felcher – Argonne National Laboratory 2012 Sustained Research Prize For pioneering the development of neutron reflectometry and demonstrating its application to magnetic and polymer film systems. Dr.

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