Posted in: NSSA Fellows,
Prof. Frank Bates – University of Minnesota

2008 Sustained Research Prize For pioneering contributions to Polymer Science through innovative use of Small Angle Scattering Methods.

Dr. Gian P. Felcher – Argonne National Laboratory

2012 Sustained Research Prize For pioneering the development of neutron reflectometry and demonstrating its application to magnetic and polymer film systems.

Dr. Herbert A. Mook, Jr. – Oak Ridge National Laboratory

2010 Clifford G. Shull Prize recipient For pioneering experiments using neutron scattering on novel phenomena in condensed matter that has served as a test for theories that seek to provide an understanding of the underlying physics and to initiate new directions of research.

Dr. John J. Rush – NIST Center for Neutron Research

For a career of visionary scientific leadership in promoting the field of neutron science in the U.S.

Prof. Thomas P. Russell – University of Massachusetts

For seminal contributions to the understanding of the structures of thin polymeric films.

Dr. Constantine Stassis – Ames Laboratory

For theoretical and experimental contributions to neutron scattering and service to the national neutron scattering community.

Dr. J. Michael Rowe – NIST Center for Neutron Research

2004 Clifford G. Shull Prize recipient For his seminal vision, leadership, and contributions to the field of neutron scattering.

Dr. John. M. Carpenter – Argonne National Laboratory

2006 Clifford G. Shull Prize recipient For seminal contributions to the development of neutron sources and instrumentation that have had world-wide impact on neutron scattering across a broad range of scientific disciplines, culminating in the optimized design of the Spallation Neutron Source at Oak Ridge.

Dr. John Tranquada – Brookhaven National Laboratory

2006 Sustained Research Prize recipient For his outstanding neutron scattering studies of the charge and spin ordering in the high Tc cuprates and related materials.