Posted in: NSSA Fellows,
Dr. John D. Axe – Brookhaven National Laboratory

For his seminal scientific studies of incommensurate and commensurate structural phase transitions, as well as his service to the US and international neutron community.

Prof. Collin Broholm – Johns Hopkins University

2010 Sustained Research Prize For outstanding neutron scattering studies of correlated electron physics in magnets, metals and superconductors, and for science-driven development of neutron scattering

Prof. Robert Golub – North Carolina State University

For pioneering research in studies of the neutron electric dipole moment, for development of the super thermal technique for production of ultra cold neutrons, and for development of new methods in neutron spin echo research.

Prof. Charles Han – Chinese Academy of Sciences

For his sustained record of accomplishment in developing and applying neutron scattering methods to elucidate the interactions that govern the structure and phase behavior of polymer blends and solutions.

Dr. Thomas M. Holden – Northern Stress Technologies, Canada

For his pioneering studies in the field of engineering diffraction and development of methods that have greatly enhanced the industrial impact of neutron scattering.

Dr. Jeffrey W. Lynn – NIST Center for Neutron Research

2014 Sustained Research Prize For seminal studies of the colossal magneto resistance effect and his many contributions to our understanding of the interplay of magnetism and superconductivity.

Dr. Charles F. Majkrzak – NIST Center for Neutron Research

2016 Clifford G. Shull Prize recipient For fundamental contributions to the development of neutron reflectivity.

Dr. Thom E. Mason – Oak Ridge National Laboratory

For scientific, technical, and administrative leadership that was essential to realize the Spallation Neutron Source.

Dr. Stephen E. Nagler – Oak Ridge National Laboratory

For seminal contributions to research in quantum magnetism and correlated electron systems.

Dr. Dan A. Neumann – NIST Center for Neutron Research

For outstanding research using inelastic and quasielastic neutron scattering on carboncontaining and other diverse materials and exceptional leadership in serving and expanding the American neutron community.

Dr. David L. Price – CNRS, Orleans, France

For his seminal contributions on the structure and dynamics of liquids and glasses and leadership role in the field of neutron scattering.

Dr. James J. Rhyne – Los Alamos National Laboratory

For extraordinary research on magnetic materials and thin films and outstanding leadership and support of major U.S. neutron facilities and research opportunities.

Prof. Jill Trewhella – University of Sydney, Australia

For her landmark experiments using small angle neutron scattering to study the structure of biological macromolecules in solution and service to the neutron scattering community.

Dr. Wen-li Wu – NIST Polymer Division

For important contributions to a broad range of problems in polymer science and in its industrial application using neutron scattering.