The NSSA is pleased to announce the selection of the following 2014 NSSA Fellows: Nitash Balsara, Simon Billinge, Robert Briber, William Buyers, Michael Fitzsimmons, Bruce Gaulin, Henry Glyde, Lee Magid, David Moncton, Raymond Osborn, Sushil Satija, and Norman Wagner. Congratulations !  

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This two part tutorial will be held on Sunday Feb. 16. 2014 in conjunction with the TMS 2014 Annual Meeting and Exhibition.  The tutorial will review neutrons and X-rays, including sources, instrumentation, theories of scattering and diffraction, concept of reciprocal space, Ewald construction, dynamic and kinematic theory, limit to small crystals, nanocrystals, lattice gradients. It

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A combination of neutron scattering and microscopy is used to reveal that a spontaneously forming nanostructure is gives rise to the extremely low glass-like thermal conductivity of AgSbTe2. AgSbTe2 has long been known to have an extremely low thermal conductivity, even in crystalline form, which enables high-performance thermoelectric modules that can be used for recovery of

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