The twenty-third annual Center for High Resolution Neutron Scattering (CHRNS) Summer School will be held at the NIST Center for Neutron Research (NCNR), from June 19th to 23rd, 2017. From the school’s website: “The school will focus on techniques that employ long wavelength neutrons to achieve high energy resolution, enabling the study of dynamical processes

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The International Conference on Neutron Scattering 2017 (ICNS 2017) will take place in Daejeon, Republic of Korea, at the Daejeon Convention Center from July 9th to 13th, 2017. From the ICNS 2017 website: “The ICNS 2017 will be the largest international platform for sharing and exchanging the latest exciting advances in neutron scattering science, which

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The SNS/HFIR User Group and CNMS User Group at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) are holding a joint user meeting from July 31st to August 3rd 2017, at ORNL.  The main meeting days are August 1st and 2nd, which are flanked by two workshop days (July 31 and August 3rd).  Details can be found at

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