NSSA sponsored symposium BBB (Liquids and Glassy Soft Materials – Theoretical and Neutron Scattering Studies) at the 2015 Materials Research Society Fall Meeting in Boston, Nov. 29th – Dec. 4th 2015. The following flyer was distributed at this meeting: NSSA_MRS Flyer Summary of the symposium 

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NSSA was a sponsor for the Neutron Scattering Gordon Research Conference held in Hong Kong, June 21-26, 2015.  The topic of the conference was “Effect of Disorder and Disordered Materials” and the conference web site can he found here. NSSA sponsorship primarily supported early career participation by US researchers attending the meeting.

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The following letter was sent by NSSA to Dr. Kurt Schoenberg, LANSCE User Facility Director, on behalf of the neutron scattering community supporting the Lujan Center: Letter to Dr. Kurt Schoenberg

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