Posted in: NSSA Fellows,
Dr. Julie Borchers – NIST Center for Neutron Research
For insightful neutron investigations of magnetic materials, particularly interlayer exchange interactions phenomena in magnetic thin films and superlattices.
Prof. Robert Cava – Princeton University
For outstanding applications of neutron diffraction to the understanding of complex materials, and advocacy for the field particularly among young scientists.
Dr. Charles Glinka – University of Delaware and NIST
For development and operation of world-class capabilities for small angle neutron scattering in America.
Prof. Eric Kaler – University of Minnesota
For enormous contributions to the science of soft matter and mentoring of young scientists in scattering science.
Dr. Roger Pynn – University of Indiana
For outstanding contributions to neutron scattering instrumentation and research, and for service to the U.S. neutron community.
Dr. Steven Shapiro – Brookhaven National Laboratory
For influential studies of phonons and phase transitions, as well as for contributions to the neutron scattering community.
Dr. Gregory Smith – Oak Ridge National Laboratory
For pioneering neutron scattering investigations of soft-condensed matter systems.
Prof. Haskell Taub – University of Missouri
For sustained studies of the structure, phase transitions, and dynamics of adsorbed films using neutron scattering techniques and for training of a future generation of neutron scattering scientists and engineers.
Prof. Samuel Werner – NIST and University of Missouri
For elegant neutron experiments contributing to the understanding of quantum physics and for his sustained efforts to promote neutron science.