This letter was submitted to Dr. Cherry A. Murray Director or Office of Science, US DOE. The letter expresses concern over the decline in the number of neutron facilities and urges DOE to prioritize plans for the Second Target Station at SNS and to fully utilize the existing beam ports at both SNS and HFIR.

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Plastic manufacturing is an energy-intensive process. Now, research performed in part at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has revealed a way to reduce the energy demand in one key step of plastic manufacturing by using a class of materials that can filter impurities more efficiently than the conventional manufacturing process. The findings,

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A team led by the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory used neutron analysis to better understand a protein implicated in the replication of HIV, the retrovirus that causes AIDS. The enzyme, known as HIV-1 protease, is a key drug target for HIV and AIDS therapies. Researchers from ORNL, Georgia State University and the

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