For his seminal contributions to the observation of the fundamental quantum- mechanical nature of spins through the effects of rotation and the gravitational field, using neutron interferometry, including the observation of the Aharonov- Casher effect, for his extensive work with neutron scattering on the magnetic properties of transition metals and their alloys, for his critical

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Posted in: NSSA Fellows,

Prof. Meigan Aronson – Texas A and M University For seminal neutron investigations of the magnetic properties of highly correlated 4f and 5f electron materials. Prof. Takeshi Egami – University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge National Laboratory For seminal contributions to the development of neutron scattering, theory, and simulation tools to understand the local atomic structure and

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The NSSA is pleased to announce the 2018 NSSA prize winners and new Fellows. NSSA 2018 Prize Winners: Prof. Samuel A. Werner is the recipient of the Clifford G. Shull Prize, Prof. Norman Wagner is the recipient Sustained Research Prize, Prof. Dmitry Pushin is the recipient of the Science Prize and Dr. Alannah Hallas is the recipient of the

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