Posted in: NSSA Fellows,

Dr. John R.D. Copley – NIST Center for Neutron Research For outstanding research on the physics of liquids and fullerenes and major contributions to neutron instrument development and scattering data analysis. Dr. Michael K. Crawford – DuPont Central Research and Development (retired) For outstanding neutron research related to industrial products and processes and extensive service

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Posted in: NSSA Fellows,

Prof. Nitash Balsara – UC Berkeley and LBNL For sustained, high impact, neutron scattering research on a broad range of polymeric materials, and for organizational, mentoring and leadership activities in promoting the use of neutron scattering in polymer research. Prof. Simon Billinge – Columbia University and BNL For seminal contributions to the field of local

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Posted in: NSSA Fellows,

Dr. Julie Borchers – NIST Center for Neutron Research For insightful neutron investigations of magnetic materials, particularly interlayer exchange interactions phenomena in magnetic thin films and superlattices. Prof. Robert Cava – Princeton University For outstanding applications of neutron diffraction to the understanding of complex materials, and advocacy for the field particularly among young scientists. Dr.

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