11th LANSCE School on Neutron Scattering: Materials at the Mesoscale, February 18-27, 2015 http://lansce.lanl.gov/neutronschool | [email protected] Los Alamos Neutron Science Center, Los Alamos National Laboratory Los Alamos, New Mexico The 11th LANSCE School on Neutron Scattering: Materials at the Mesoscale, will focus on the influence of surfaces, interfaces, meso- and micro-structure on the functionality of materials. The nine

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Gordon Research Conference on Neutron Scattering Effect of Disorder and Disordered Materials, June 21-26, 2015, The Chinese University of Hong Kong The Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on Neutron Scattering is a new conference series featuring world-leading neutron scattering scientists who will share and discuss their latest discoveries in the GRC (interactive) style. The inaugural conference will

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